Monday, January 13, 2014

Learning Lenormand

This isn't quite a normal post for this blog, but I thought I'd write about something new while we continue to wait for the condo to process. It does look like we should be able to finally close on it this week, though!

I purchased a Lenormand deck on Saturday (which I'll have to write a separate post about sometime. Suffice to say, it's beautiful and...quite vocal), and decided to do the "practice" reading that's suggested at the back of the handy-dandy little booklet that came with it. 

The spread I did was the Day Spread, with 9 rows of 2 cards. The book suggested doing it at the beginning of the day and then checking the results at the end of the day. Below I'll write the cards that I pulled on Sunday morning, and try to gauge how accurate they were in each category.

1. Someone you will meet, what comes out of that meeting.

- The cards I pulled were Ship and Coffin. Ship seems to stand for traveling, whether or business or pleasure. The coffin stands for painful change and transition.


- I met a woman who was on vacation (from the same state as me!) and we ended up trading Facebook info after our encounter. The things we talked about would definitely instill a painful transition in me, if it were to take place.

2. Someone you care about, what they will do.

- The cards I pulled were Birds and Snake. Birds seem to signify communication, and generally stands for couples. The snake stands for deceit, cheating, and/or harm. 


- For this, I'm honestly not sure. It's possible the snakely issue is something that's under the surface that I didn't actually see. But I don't have any leads on what this one means currently. 

3. Someone who annoys you, what will they do.

- The cards I pulled were Dog and Stork. Dog is loyalty and friendship. This could stand for a pet, or a person that's a close friend. The Stork stands for movement, upgrades, improvements, and change. 


- The only thing that comes to mind is that part of the reason Mr. Cap wanted to go on vacation was so that he could pick out a few things to decorate our new home. He ended up not doing that at all, which kind of confused me (and maybe slightly annoyed--but not spending money is always a good thing!).  

4. Something that will happen to console you.

- The cards I pulled were Letter and Stars. The Letter stands for documents, messages, information. The Star stands for guidance and healing, and reassurance of lighting new paths. Seems to be generally positive.


- Well, we did attend an Oracle card reading class on Sunday night. I'd say quite a lot of information came through in that way! And some of the things that came up were "consoling" in a way, I suppose. The Star is probably a good card to have pulled for this particular category.

5. Something that awaits you.

- The cards I pulled were Anchor and Bear. Anchor is stability, security, and peace of mind. It's a symbol of hope or faith. The Bear is power, strength, and pushing through obstacles. 


- I guess from the Oracle readings that were performed on Sunday night, this could well be a path that awaits me. I'd love to feel secure in my choices, and I hope that the bear will come out of me (in a good way!) to push through to complete my new goals, even if I find opposition. 

6. Something that will help you.

- The cards I pulled were Key and Choice. The Key can lead to discoveries and will also unlock and lock things. Choice is...fairly obvious, I suppose? But the book indicates that it indicates multiple paths, and can sometimes be an issue when it shows up in a relationship. 


- Part of me wonders if the "thing that will help me" is this Lenormand deck. I definitely feel like it's a key to entering a path I've considered for a few years. I guess buying this deck sort of commited me to at least opening the door of this new path. But the choice is still mine as to which path I will follow. 

7. Something that will happen, which is a surprise to you.

- The cards I pulled were Ring and Child. The Ring can mean marriage, commitment, harmony, and contracts. The Child could mean an actual child, or someone/something new, young/immature, or a child-like personality.


- Well, all I can say is that I sure hope that going away for Mr. Cap's birthday didn't lead to an unexpected 9-month/18-year surprise. o__o Another possible thought is a conversation I had with Mr. Cap about some things that happened in his life when he was younger, and how he relates to them now. But there wasn't anything too surprising in that situation.

8. Something that you desire, whether it will happen or not.

- The cards I pulled were Moon and Mice. Moon is love, romance, psychic abilities, creativity, and admiration. Mice can symboloze loss, theft, anxiety and worry.


- This could also lead in to a lot of what came up in the Oracle readings on Sunday night. There was a lot (quite a lot) of implication that I need to become more spiritually active, especially in ways that currently make me feel very uncomfortable. Another possibility is that it has to do with my worry that writing (such as this blog) won't really amount to anything for me. I've tried many times, but I always fail to create something that I'm truly happy with.

9. Something nice. 

- The cards I pulled were Sun and Lilies. The Sun is success (hooray!), confidence, courage, and arrogance. Lillies are calm, peace, serenity, wisdom, family/ancestry, and satisfaction.  


- Possibly I'm being told that stepping out on to a new path will give me the peace and wisdom that I'm looking for. And that's something that would definitely be nice to hear. :)

So! After this experiment, I'm not 100% sure how I'm doing with these cards...but it's definitely an interesting endeavor. I'll have to give this more thought in the future. 

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